Give it All is Seattle-based, student-run, non-profit organization on a mission to foster global awareness and giving in young minds through active participation in extra-curricular activities, beginning with an after-school dance program.
By integrating global awareness concepts into the program, we shall help children learn about other cultures, nurture in them the habit of giving, and make them experience the joy of making a difference at a young age. We shall also encourage the children to give it all when they pursue any activity.more

The Give It All Foundation is a student-run non-profit organization led by Menaka Narayanan, a junior at Roosevelt High School, Seattle, with help from her two sisters Manisha and Madhavi. The students are guided by Give It All Board members who are seasoned community leaders

Built on established concepts in kinesthetic learning, our dance curriculum is designed to help children mature phyically, emotionally, socially, cognitively and, of course, from the standpoint of global awareness and giving.